Wednesday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 6-1-22 — Dinar Recaps (2024)



Wednesday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 6-1-22

Politicians Reveal The Purpose Of Putting Obstacles In Front Of Ending The Current Crisis

PoliticianLast Update 06/01/2022The Information / Baghdad… Political parties revealed the most prominent goals that lie behind the continuation of the political blockage and the non-acceptance of the many initiatives launched by the coordination framework and several other parties in order to get out of the crisis, stressing that there are economic goals and goals for the regionalization of Iraq and obtaining financial gains.

Member of the Sadiqoun bloc, Rafiq Al-Salihi, told Al-Maalouma, "There are attempts by some political parties to continue the crisis and not find solutions to get out of it with the aim of achieving their goals to pass some contracts, projects and appointments through the caretaker government."

On the other hand, Kazem al-Haidari, a member of the State of Law coalition, told Al-Maalouma that "some parties in the tripartite alliance are satisfied with the political blockage and are trying to go in forming a government and excluding power, with the aim of regionalizing Iraq and dividing it among the parties to this coalition."

On the other hand, political analyst Sabah Al-Taie, in his interview with Al-Maalouma, suggested the possibility of forming a government after passing the emergency food security support law and dividing the spoils and amounts in this law among the blocs that were behind the vote on it, and then going to end the political blockage and form the government. “.

The Independents Are Mortgaging The Formation Of The Government According To The Framework And The Current

PoliticianLast Update 05/31/2022Information / Baghdad...A member of the Al-Fateh Alliance, Hamid Al-Moussawi, confirmed today, Tuesday, that independents cannot form a government without consensus between the forces of the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement.

Al-Moussawi said in a statement to the "Information" agency, "The formation of the new government and the selection of a prime minister by independent representatives without the polarity of the political process, is something that cannot happen and is almost impossible during the current period."

He pointed out that "forming a new government without the consensus and understanding of the forces of the coordination framework and the Sadrist bloc will lead to major crises in light of the current political conditions."

The coordination framework put forward an initiative to resolve the blockage, which consisted of nine points, attached to nine commitments, and included a pivotal role for the independents in naming the prime minister, provided that it falls within the framework of the Shiite component.

In Continuous Meetings, The Coordination Framework Is Looking For Mechanisms That Prevent Al-Sadr From Using The Street

Shafaq News/ A source in the comprehensive coordination framework for most of the Shiite political forces, with the exception of the Sadrist movement, stated that the consultative meetings held by the leaders of the framework revolve around mechanisms to prevent the use of the street as a pressure card on it to yield to the demands of the other party (the Triple Alliance).

The source stated to Shafak News Agency; "The periodic coordination framework meetings, including yesterday's meeting (Monday), revolve around finding proposals for solutions or means to prevent the movement of the street and its adoption as a pressure card against some political parties, and therefore the focus was on preventing the use or movement of the street against any of the parties refusing to marginalize the right of the Shiite component to The aspect of preventing a collision between the people or with the security forces, as well as missing the opportunity for the tripartite alliance to move forward with its plans and decisions, in other words, the framework will present realistic solutions binding on all to prevent the street fanning.

He pointed out that "the proposed solutions referred to after their maturity will be put forward before the end of the 30-day deadline set by al-Sadr."

Yesterday, Monday, the coordination framework held a meeting that included all its Shiite leaders, while the meeting did not issue a statement or any details revealing the outcome of the meeting.

An informed source said, earlier on Tuesday, that the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, now supports the option of dissolving the House of Representatives and going to early elections in light of the continuing political impasse in the country.

On Sunday, a number of Iraqi politicians filed a lawsuit against the three presidencies (the republic, ministers and parliament), demanding the Federal Supreme Court (the highest judicial authority in Iraq), to dissolve the parliament.

The political scene is in a crisis situation and a dead end so far, in light of the adherence of the tripartite coalition "Save the Homeland", which includes the Sadrist movement, the Kurdistan Democratic Party and the Alliance of Sovereignty to the government of the national majority, in contrast to the adherence of the coordination framework that includes Shiite forces and their allies to form a coalition government.

On the tenth of last October, Iraq held early legislative elections to get out of a political crisis that swept the country after large demonstrations in the central and southern regions in 2019 in protest against the widespread unemployment in society, the spread of financial and administrative corruption in government departments and institutions, and the deteriorating reality The service and the livelihood, which prompted the former prime minister, Adel Abdul-Mahdi, to resign under popular pressure.

As soon as the preliminary results of the elections were announced, the voices of political forces and actors rose in their rejection of losing many seats, accusing them of major fraud in the ballot, which was denied by the executive and judicial authorities, at a time when the United Nations and international organizations praised the integrity of the electoral process.LINK

A Meeting Of The Coordination Framework And Determination Leads To The Necessity Of Exchanging Visits With The Union To "Unify Positions"

Shafaq News/ The Shiite coordination framework announced the content of a meeting held today, Tuesday, headed by Nuri al-Maliki, with the "Azm" coalition led by Muthanna al-Samarrai to discuss the latest political developments.

Al-Attar said in a statement, received by Shafak News Agency, that he discussed with the Azm Alliance the latest political developments in the country, indicating that the two sides reviewed the developments of the political and security scene, and exchanged views on issues of common interest.

The two sides stressed, according to the statement, the necessity of coordinating positions between the national forces in order to find solutions that end the current crisis.LINK

Al-Saadawi: The Emergency Support Can Only Be Legislated After It Is Sent By The New Government

PoliticianLast Update 06/01/2022Information / Baghdad... The former member of the Parliamentary Finance Committee, Abdul-Hadi Al-Saadawi, explained that the proposed law on emergency support for food security can be legislated if it is presented to the new government, which in turn studies it and sends it back to Parliament for legislation.

Al-Saadawi told Al-Maalouma, "The political blocs would have preferred to go towards legislating the budget law instead of going towards laws in which there are many suspicions, corruption, exaggeration of allocations and waste of public money."

He added that "the emergency support law, even if it is prepared at the present time in order to be implemented by the new government, it will be considered an invalid law after the Federal Court said it and explained very well that the legislation of this law is unconstitutional."

And he indicated that "Parliament, in order to ensure the passage of emergency support, must wait for the formation of the new government in order to propose this law to it, so that it, in turn, sends it to the House of Representatives to legislate and work according to it."

"The Shiite Conflict Disturbed Us." A Sunni MP Warns Against Dissolving Parliament

Shafaq News/ On Wednesday, a member of the Iraqi Parliament, Fahd Al-Rashed, expressed his disquiet over the "Shiite-Shiite" conflict, calling on the Shiite political forces to reach an understanding, to avoid going to early elections.

Al-Rashed told Shafaq News Agency: "As a representative of the Sunni House, I do not hope that the political blockage will take us towards holding early elections, as it will lead the country to chaos with unimaginable consequences, especially since the Iraqi street is divided into six teams, divided into two teams from each component (Sunni, Shiite and Kurdish). ), and they fight each other.

He added that "the Sunni component does not have a significant negative impact on the government formation process, as it has organized itself more than in previous sessions, with the exception of a number of deputies (Azm Alliance), who are allied with the coordination framework."

Al-Rashed continued, saying, "I see that there is absolutely no possibility of holding early elections, and the Iraqi parliament is continuing to organize its sessions, and to legislate laws in a fundamental way," noting that "the political blockage bothered us as politicians, as well as the Iraqi street and the regional environment in general, and this is due to the Shiite conflict." between the coordination framework and the Sadrist movement.

He called on the political allies of the largest bloc (the Shiite component), to "agree among themselves, through understandings that contribute to accelerating the process of forming the next government," concluding his speech by saying: "The people are waiting for the approval of the budget and many pending laws, and in light of this complete chaos and political blockage, the people will not We can come to any conclusion."

An informed source had said yesterday, Tuesday, that the leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, now supports the option of dissolving the House of Representatives and going to early elections in light of the continuing political impasse in the country.

Meanwhile, political and human rights parties, close to the coordination framework, are working in this way as well, and a few days ago, they filed a case to dissolve Parliament with the Federal Supreme Court.LINK

In Details.. What Happened In The Tenth Session Of The Iraqi Parliament

Shafaq News / On Tuesday, the Iraqi parliament completed the second reading of the food security proposal, after discussing it during a regular session held under the chairmanship of Muhammad al-Halbousi and the attendance of 250 deputies, before adjourning its session to further notice.

The interventions of the council members, according to a statement received by Shafak News Agency, focused on the demand for "setting a clear economic vision and creating thoughtful development to advance the country's reality in the fields of industry and agriculture to reduce corruption and demand a reduction in the amount allocated to the Food Security Law, in addition to the adoption of justice in the distribution of financial allocations between Governorates according to their needs, and the call to allocate support for suspended projects, especially water and sewage services, support for farmers and lecturers for free, and the requirements of local agricultural production.

The attendees stressed the need to "work seriously to achieve the needs of the people of the liberated areas, meet their demands for compensation, end the file of the displaced, and demand the disclosure of external and internal loan schedules by the Ministry of Finance and the establishment of subsequent oversight on the implementation of the provisions of the law."

The demands of the deputies during the session, which was presided over by the First Deputy Chairman of the Council Hakim Al-Zamili, focused on “opening the door to competition for companies that supply the food basket items, and the demand for the inclusion of the Kurdistan Region’s share established by the Ministry of Planning within the law, and the need to determine what development projects proposed to address Unemployment and support for the food industries and pharmaceutical and medical supplies.

Al-Zamili stressed, according to the statement issued by the media department of the House of Representatives, the parliament’s keenness to “provide the legal cover for the government to enable it to meet the citizens’ entitlements, especially food security, social welfare salaries and service ministries’ allocations,” noting that the parliament “will not allow any suspicions of corruption that may be caused by law.” Food security".

The deputies also addressed, in their interventions during the session, partly chaired by Deputy Speaker Shakhwan Abdullah, the demand for “allocating an amount to implement the Yazidi survivors law and compensation to the Sinjar district, guaranteeing liquid gas dues for the perpetuation of the processing of power stations, addressing the water crisis in the governorates and paying attention to veterinary health.” and protection of livestock.LINK

Parliamentary: We Must Go To The Option Of Dissolving The House Of Representatives In This Case

Political | 10:23 - 01/06/2022Baghdad - Mawazine News, MP from the State of Law coalition, Alia Nassif, said on Wednesday that if the election of the president of the republic and the formation of the government are not completed, "we must go to the option of dissolving parliament."

Nassif added in an interview with the official "Al-Sabah" newspaper, which was followed by "Mawazine News", that "the continuation of the current situation means the continuation of the caretaker government, deficient in powers restricted and governed by the decision of the Federal Court and an internal system, and criticizing any action it takes, so if this obstruction remains, let us go to dissolution of Parliament.

And she continued, "There is a call before the Federal Court to challenge the legitimacy of the House of Representatives and call for its dissolution because it violated the decisions of the Federal Court or that it was unable to complete the vote on the President of the Republic in order to end the government's work and choose a new government."

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Wednesday AM Iraq Parliament News Highlights 6-1-22 — Dinar   Recaps (2024)


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