Learn Your Pace With Our Running Pace Calculator (2024)

A running speed calculator is a tool that can provide helpful information to runners of any level. It can help determine your pace per mile for a given distance using known variables: distance or time. Use our pace calculator to learn your running pace.

Why Use a Running Speed Calculator?

A pace calculator can help you determine how long walking or running a certain distance will take. Tracking your speed and how it changes over time can help you gauge your performance and see if your fitness efforts are paying off.

You may need to know your pace when registering for an event or race such as a5K,10K,half marathon,ormarathon.You can use our running speed calculatoror do the math yourself.

Running Pace Calculator

Your pace is expressed in minutes per mile or minutes per kilometer. This is the time it would take you to walk or run 1 mile or 1 kilometer. Race organizers use your pace to assign you to astart corral with others racing at asimilar pace. Note that many running races have a time limit equal to a 16-minute mile pace.

To calculate your running pace, you will need to know the distance you have walked orrun, and the time it took you to do so.

Pace = Time / Distance

Your running pace may not be a round number of minutes, so you will need to convert fractions of a minute to seconds. Multiply the fraction of a minute by 60. For example, 0.5 minutes = 30 seconds.

Running Speed Calculator

Speed is the flip side of pace. It is the calculation ofdistance over time, expressed in miles per hour or kilometers per hour. To calculate your running speed, you will need to know the distance you walked or ran and the time it took you to do so.

Speed = Distance / Time

Or, if you have your pace, you can convert it to speed. Simply divide 60 by your pace.

Speed = 60 / Pace

When you aren't using whole hours in the calculation, convert the number to minutes, then multiply the result by 60 minutes per hour to get miles per hour or kilometers per hour. Below are some sample running speed calculations:

  • Running 6 miles in 1 hour: 6 / 1 =6 miles per hour (mph)
  • Walking 6miles in 2 hours: 6 / 2 =3 mph
  • Runninga half marathon (13.1 miles) in 1.5 hours (90 minutes): 13.1 / 90 = .1455 x 60 = 8.73mph

Run Pacefor Common Distances

This running pace chart for standard distances displays how long it would take to finish a given distance race depending on your pace, measured in pace (minutes per mile) and speed (miles per hour).

For instance, running a 10-minute mile pace through an entire 5-kilometer race would take 31 minutes to complete. At the same pace, you could complete a marathon in 4 hours and 22 minutes (close to the global average time to complete a marathon).







































































































Use Pace to Determine Exercise Intensity

You can use running speed or pace to gauge the intensity of your exercise. For example, walking intensity levels may look like this:

  • Light intensity: Speed less than 3 mph; pace greater than 20 minutes per mile
  • Moderate intensity: Speed between 3 and 4 mph; pace between 16 and 20 minutes per mile
  • Medium intensity: Speed 4 to 5 mph; pace between 12 and 15 minutes per mile
  • Vigorous intensity: Speed over 5 mph; pace more than 12 minutes per mile

The rate of perceived exertion (RPE) scale is a more individualized measure of intensity. RPE uses a scale from 0 to 10, with lower numbers being less intense and higher numbers being quite intense.

For example, an RPE of 0 is akin to sitting in a chair, 1 is very light exercise, 2 is light, 3 is moderate, 4 is somewhat heavy, 5 is heavy, 7 is very heavy, and 10 is very, very heavy. A 10 is how you feel at the end of a stress test or very vigorous activity.

When rating your exertion level, include feelings of shortness of breath and how tired you feel in your legs and overall. Most people aim to exercise at level 3 or 4.

Use Pace With Apps and Fitness Wearables

A pace calculator can be a good check on what your GPS app or GPS speedometeris showing as your running speed or pace. These can be inaccurate, and you don't want to think you are faster than you are.

A common factor contributing to inaccuracy is being in an area with buildings, trees, or hills that block the satellite signal used to measure your position. It's a good idea to check the accuracy of your device by measuringyour running or walking speedover a known distance using a timer.

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Distance Calculator

If you know your pace or speed and how much time you will be walking or running, you can calculate how far you should go. This can be useful if you have a set amount of time for a workout and want to see how far you could go.Sometimes you will need to convert distances, which is helpful to know that akilometer is 0.62 miles and a mile is 1.61 kilometers.

Distance = Time / Pace

Distance = Speed x Time

Finish Time Calculator

Knowing how long it will take you to finish is essential before registering for a race. Walkers and slow runners must be sure to complete under the course time cutoff. You may also want to compare your finish time with lists of winners to see if you might qualify for a trophy for your age group.

To calculate your finish time, you will need to know your pace in minutes per mile or minutes per kilometer (or your speed in miles per hour or kilometers per hour) and the distance of the course.

Finish Time = Distance x Pace

Finish Time = Distance / Speed

Check your running speed and pace in more than one way, as a GPS-based speed may be inaccurate. Doing a timed mile or a timed kilometer can be a better way to find an accurate pace. Otherwise, your finish time will also be incorrect.

Predict Finish Time for Longer Races

While you may be able to time yourself over a mile or kilometer and use that to predict your time for a 5K or 10K race, you probably won't be able to maintain the same speed over a half marathon or marathon. Ways topredict your finish timevary.

Some runners add 20 seconds per mile each time you double your distance. For example, if you've run a half marathon (13.1 miles), find your average minutes per mile, add 20 seconds, and multiply by 26.2 miles. Marathon coachHal Higdonsuggests multiplying your 10-kilometer finish time by 5 to find your marathon finish time.

How to Improve Your Walking Pace

If you aren't happy with the results of the pace calculator, you can make improving your pace a goal. To increase your walking speed, take a look at your technique. Working on perfecting your form with posture adjustments and stepping techniques will help. Making adjustments may help you boost your pace.

Tips for Improving Walking Pace

  • Improve yourposture: Proper walking posture will improve breathing, making it easier towalk fasterand farther.
  • Bend your arms: Adding proper arm motion during walks can significantly speed up yourbrisk walkingpace.
  • Use proper stepping technique: Step from heel to toe with a strong push-off, or race-walking technique using straighter legs can help increase your pace.
  • Try arun/walk technique: If you cannot run the entire distance or want to increase your pace while covering more distance, try running interspersed with walking.

Improve Your Running Pace

If you are a runner,you canlearn to run faster, too. You'll want to work on specific techniques and training strategies,

Tips to Improve Your Running Pace

  • Work on your stride turnover: Increase how many steps per minute you take to improve your running pace. Use short, quick steps to increase your stride turnover and run more efficiently.
  • Add interval training: Improve your cardiovascular health and capacity by including interval training in your routine.
  • Plan weekly tempo runs: Running at a sustained, steady effort pace can help improve your running pace by helping you develop youranaerobic or lactate threshold(LT), a critical aspect of running faster.
  • Start hill training: Hill repeats are excellent for building strength, speed, increasing mental strength, and confidence in tackling hills.
  • Rest and recover: Rest and recovery can help improve subsequent performance since your body has had time to repair.

A Word From Verywell

You can increase your walking or running speed with proper technique and training. A pace calculator can provide you with reasonable estimates of your overall performance. Remember that these are just best guesses, and you may not perform at the same pace over all distances or at different training sessions or races. Other factors will influence your pace on a given day.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is a good running pace?

    A good running pace depends on the distance you are covering, among other factors. Longer distances require you to pace yourself more slowly to conserve energy over the long term. A review of over 10,000 5k runners found that the average person ran a mile in 11:47.

    Learn More:What Is a Good Time for Running a Mile?

  • How can you increase your running pace?

    You can increase your running pace in a number of ways, including speed work, improving your breathing, and changing your heel-strike technique. You can also increase your training days, running more often. Remember to leave room for recovery as well.

    Learn More:How to Run Faster and Improve Race Times

  • How is running pace different from running speed?

    Running pace is the average time in minutes it takes you to run a mile. Your minute per mile pace will change depending on how long or how far you run. Pacing yourself means controlling your minute per mile pace according to how long you will run as a way to conserve energy. Running speed is measured in miles per hour and is how fast you are running. They are much the same but use different units and are expressed differently.

    Learn More:Improving Pace and Speed

  • How do you pace yourself when running?

    You can pace yourself when running by sticking to a pre-determined speed during your run or for certain parts of your run. For instance, you may wish to start out a bit slower and then pick up your speed as you go. You can use a variety of methods for determining your ideal pace during a certain distance.

    Learn More:How Can I Predict My Race Times?

7 Sources

Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. International Institute for Race Medicine. The State of Running 2019.

  2. Cleveland Clinic. Rated Perceived Exertion (RPE) scale.

  3. Schubert AG, Kempf J, Heiderscheit BC.Influence of stride frequency and length on running mechanics: a systematic review. Sports Health. 2014;6(3):210-217. doi:10.1177/1941738113508544

  4. Foster C, Farland CV, Guidotti F, et al.The effects of high intensity interval training vs steady state training on aerobic and anaerobic capacity.J Sports Sci Med. 2015;14(4):747-755.

  5. Folland JP, Allen SJ, Black MI, Handsaker JC, Forrester SE. Running technique is an important component of running economy and performance. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2017;49(7):1412-1423. doi:10.1249/MSS.0000000000001245

  6. American Council on Exercise.8 reasons to take a rest day.

  7. Pacecalculator.com. How does my 5k pace compare to others?.

Learn Your Pace With Our Running Pace Calculator (1)

By Wendy Bumgardner
Wendy Bumgardner is a freelance writer covering walking and other health and fitness topics and has competed in more than 1,000 walking events.

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Learn Your Pace With Our Running Pace Calculator (2024)


How do I calculate my running pace? ›

Pace = Time / Distance

This small formula can help you calculate your current pace and your future running paces, to see if you are achieving your goals. You can then compare your scores and see if improvements are being made. Note: your pace might not be calculated into a round number of minutes.

How do I teach my running pace? ›

Solution:Practice maintaining a steady pace during your training runs. Focus on even splits, where each mile is run at a similar pace. Use pacing tools like a GPS watch or running app to help you stay consistent. Over time, you'll develop a natural sense of pacing.

How do I know what pace to run at? ›

What Is A Good Run Pace? A common running goal people aim for is running 5km in 30 minutes, or 10km in an hour. This would be a pace of 9:39 minutes per mile, or 6.00 minutes per kilometre. If you wanted to hit 5km in 25 minutes, this would be a pace of 8.03 minutes per mile or 5.00 minutes per kilometre.

How do I work out my tempo pace? ›

Scientific testing shows that the most effective way to conduct a tempo run is this: Monitor your heart rate during a 30-minute run. The first 10 minutes of running will see your heart rate climb and then level off at your lactate-threshold (your tempo).

What's a normal running pace? ›

That number adjusts based on gender: 10:02 for men and 11:17 for women. In the U.S., the average running speed is 9:54 and breaks down to a 9:32 mile pace for U.S. men and 10:37 for U.S. women.

Is a 15 minute mile walk good? ›

It should take around 11 to 15 minutes to walk a mile fast. Your speed will depend on your fitness levels, gait, terrain, environment, age and other factors. The more you walk, the more your stamina, endurance and fitness levels will improve.

How do you pace yourself for running for beginners? ›

Start Slow – One mistake many beginner runners make is trying to run too fast too soon. A slow and steady pace is ideal for new runners just starting out (anywhere from 11 – 14 minutes per mile pace depending on the athlete). This can absolutely include walking intervals!

How to learn pacing? ›

The secret is simple: the more you practice running at your goal pace, the easier it'll be to lock in and sustain it. That's why running at your goal pace needs to be at the heart of your weekly routine. Swap in a pacing practice session at least once a week to start enjoying the results.

How fast should you run as a beginner? ›

A new runner can shoot for 12 to 13 minute pace per mile as a good range to start off with, with walk breaks structured in. Start with a 3-minute run, then walk for 1 minute to recover. This will help you keep your breathing in check and heart rate up. Continue this pattern for the time you allotted to run.

How do I get my pace to run? ›

Run More Often

In many cases, increasing your weekly mileage will help boost your overall speed. If you're running once a week, start by adding two to three additional run days to push past your plateau. Do you have the goal to increase your running pace? Plan on running at least two or three days each week.

How should I pace my run? ›

For most runs—other than special workouts like speed intervals—you'll want to aim for a steady, consistent per-mile pace from start to finish. Any hills along your route may have a small impact, but overall, if you're doing things right, your average running pace shouldn't vary much from mile to mile.

How do I know my running pace zone? ›

How do you determine your pace zones? You determine your pace zones by running non-stop for 30 minutes on a flat course, going as fast as you can without slowing down. Your average pace from the entire 30 minutes will be your threshold pace.

How do you find your pace? ›

You can estimate distances by finding your average pace (two steps). To find your pace length, walk 10 paces (20 steps) and measure the distance that you walk. Then divide this number by 10. Repeat this process 3 times and find the average of your calculations.

How many miles should an easy run be? ›

For runners training for the half-marathon and shorter distances, Birch says, “For the shorter distances I give either five miles or double days, which would be about two 30-minute runs. That's still easy volume but doesn't beat up the body as much.”

What is the formula for calculating running speed? ›

Quite simply, how to calculate running speed is done by dividing your run distance by your run time. So if you ran 10k and you ran for 50 minutes, you can 0.2k per minute. If you want to calculate your running pace, flip the numbers. 50 minutes divided by 10k is a 5 minute per kilometre pace.

How do you calculate pace count? ›

Determining Your Pace Count

Use a variety of legs, including cross-country, trail runs, uphill, downhill, open areas, and thicker terrain. Using the pace scale on your compass, measure out how many paces you expect to take for each leg. Round up or down to the nearest 5 paces. Write these numbers down.

What is the formula for determining running rate? ›

First, divide your total revenue by the number of days over which it occurred. Next, you multiply this daily revenue number by 365 to determine your revenue run rate. You can always fall back on this formula to determine your revenue run rate, no matter what period of revenue data you have.


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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

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Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.