It Sucks, Y'know Day One (2025)

1. It sucks, y'know by rice -

  • A short game about you and your mom. But instead of feeling like home, why does it feel like the opposite instead?

  • "Don't do this again."

It sucks, y'know by rice -

2. Nigga Shit Lyrics by Big Punisher - Street Directory

  • [big punisher] Yeah.. This is for my peoples on the street, y'know? Gave me love since day one.. Y'knahmean? when I was puttin it down

  • Nigga Shit Lyrics, Big Punisher, [big punisher] Yeah.. This is for my peoples on the street, y'know?

Nigga Shit Lyrics by Big Punisher - Street Directory

3. SXSW09, Day 1: Word on the street is you suck [Paul Thompson ...

  • “Man, Wednesday sucks.” Yep; in the middle of the single greatest gather of bands since, y'know South by Southwest 2008, there were a lotta folks wandering ...

  • During South by (look, that’s what the cool kids call it), news ripples through Austin like taco wrappers in the breeze: Who’s scheduled to throw down at the Fader Fort with whom, who’s pouring the strongest margaritas gratis, just which Vivian Girl just ducked into that Portajohn yonder. So what was on everybody’s lips Wednesday, […]

SXSW09, Day 1: Word on the street is you suck [Paul Thompson ...

4. Checkout a killer new Transplants interview by Emily Minster

  • 25 apr 2003 · Well, since day one people had ... All this shit that I see on TV or I hear on the fuckin radio, the majority of it fuckin' sucks, y'know.

  • The Transplants have received a lot of attention since their self-titled debut release came out last year, and it's really no wonder why. This creative fusion of punk, rap, hip hop, and reggae is a welcome breath of fresh air to the stagnant swamp the national music scene has become. With the talent of Tim Armstrong, Travis Barker, and band virgin Rob Aston, I can't see this band leaving the limelight anytime soon. The Transplants began musically as Tim Armstrong's brainchild, with you writing lyrics...

Checkout a killer new Transplants interview by Emily Minster

5. Y'know, at times, it sucks to be an anime fan in the UK. | Page 3

  • 19 jul 2009 · Sengoku Basara looks like great fun. Another I'm not expecting to take too seriously but definitely a day one purchase unless one of the UK ...

  • unellway; some of the titles you named aren't licensed, at all. Such as Gintama and Nodame. Even if Gintama was licensed, and brought over here, I doubt that it would sell well. The premise is too odd for the casual fan. GTO is much more accessible, and already has brownie points for being one...

Y'know, at times, it sucks to be an anime fan in the UK. | Page 3

6. Script Saison 2 Episode 10 - Fan Club Français de Friends

  • [turns it] sucking. Credits. [Scene: Chandler, Phoebe, Rachel, Monica ... It's like day one, floss. Day two, here's your diploma. Russ : Hey, you ...

  •     Script Saison 2 Episode 10

7. Your Bio Sucks: How to Write a Better Bio for Your Website, LinkedIn ...

  • 17 mrt 2021 · Y'know, that one paragraph or more you use to describe yourself on social media, dating profiles, websites, LinkedIn, whatever? It sucks ...

  • Okay, let me level with you in a way nobody in your life is doing right now: Your short bio/about me blurb? Y'know, that one paragraph or more you use to describe yourself on social media, dating profiles, websites, LinkedIn, whatever? It sucks. But you don't suck. You just suck at writing about you

Your Bio Sucks: How to Write a Better Bio for Your Website, LinkedIn ...

8. Transcript of AVGN episode Castlevania II

  • y'know, the second in the series, and leave this awful piece of horse shit alone, as it stands today as one of the biggest fuck-ups of all time. The Nerd ...

  • The Nerd: This game sucks. Castlevania I and III are great classic Nintendo games, but for Castlevania II: Simon's Quest, the game designers obviously were not thinking straight. At first, it seems like a pretty decent game. A little different from the first in the series but, that's okay. Zelda II was different from the first, Mario 2 was different, but they were all good. The first thing that's strikingly different is the fact that ya have to go through towns, talk to people, and buy stuff. I

Transcript of AVGN episode Castlevania II

9. Y'know... Perhaps I do suck? - EVEOGANDA

  • 10 dec 2010 · ... one of them will soon die. Before a death occurs, the Indian banshee ... The other day a bounty popped up over on JustAbout asking us ...

  • The Eve Online Magazine, EVEoganda is your destination for Community, Projects, Opinions, Pirates, and Art created by Rixx Javix.

Y'know... Perhaps I do suck? - EVEOGANDA

10. The Fork: Give Thanks - Santa Fe Reporter

  • 28 nov 2024 · We first debuted this one in 2022, but we got some positive buzz around then, so do with it what thou wilt. The Fork's Vegan Mushroom Gravy. You ...

  • Happy Thanksgiving, Fork Frenz!

The Fork: Give Thanks - Santa Fe Reporter

11. Seven Made-Up Reasons Why Festivals Suck - RSJONLINE

  • 28 okt 2024 · Y'know? 4. The People. The hallmark of a good festival is the number ... It's fun on Day One, just about bearable on Day Two, but by Day ...

  • Seven Made-Up Reasons Why Festivals Suck

12. Challenges are sucking all the fun out of the game for me. (constructive)

  • 1 apr 2023 · y'know, cause there is no □□□□□□□□ timer on the thing! See above, you get 3 rerolls a day. Furtherfmore, you have like 3 months to finish the ...

  • First, let me say, that i love the Battlepass feature as well as the challenges. Those features in themselves are not the problem for me. The problem is, some of the challenges themselves are forcing me to advance too quickly. Go to area’s that i wouldn’t have been anytime soon, and sucking the fun out of discovery. I recently came back to conan and decided to do a fresh game and specifically look around for all the lore and story journals. I really wanted to experience conan in a more line...

Challenges are sucking all the fun out of the game for me. (constructive)
It Sucks, Y'know Day One (2025)


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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.